
Responses from dpatrick

Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Far superior to the Beauhorns are the Horning Hybrid speakers from Denmark which also use the Lowther drivers. The Hornings are some of the best commercial speakers out there at present, especially for ensemble jazz and vocals. If you want your fa... 
Best Samuel Barber Violin Concerto
Stern/Bernstein is the one. I once heard Hilary Hahn's take and almost vomited...Also interesting is the Claire Bernard/Edouard van Remoortel (L'Orchestre National de l'Opera de Monte Carlo) which was put out on the Philips "World Series" with Mil... 
Advice on turntable rig
Word on the street is that TW Acustic will soon be releasing a $3K table, this might be your last turntable if you can wait. The Graham arms are recommended for the TWs as the best match. Or...a used Verdier "Nouvelle" Platine? Hard to come by, th...