
Responses from drastic88

yaqin mc100b upgrades
One thing I have now done that gave a nice lift to the performance is to change the four input cap's. They are too small, wrong shape, low quality. I fitted some Russian PIO job's, of the same value (.22uf 275v min) go up a little if you wish to a... 
Prima Luna Dialogue series, is it worth the money?
Personally I don’t think so. Both have :- SoftStart & Adaptive AutoBias, However I don’t think the Premium has UL/Triode switching, not sure? Running in Triode mode can sound better on some valves. Down to personal taste. You May get slightly ... 
Phono preamp suggestions
Phono stages are a nightmare as you cant normally audition them, also personal taste play’s a big part.However check out “Leema Acoustics : Essential Phono” it’s an exceptional unit priced at about $795 However as your in the States maybe a Jolida... 
Mono Cart or Stereo Summed for Beatles MONO UK???
I would say your on the right track in going for a Mono cartridge to replace the Decca London, which is a greatcart, but may? do damage to your mono recording.Check out a Ortofon M2 in Mono, but it's going to cost you.Grado use to make a good mono... 
Jelco SA-370H or Rega RB-251 for a DIY turntable?
Personally I would go for a RB250, they are a good arm at good price with many optional accessories available. Also there is the option at a later stage to have one of many company’s up grade the arm with a few tweaks, for much higher performance.... 
Do amps degrade over time?
As you state capacitors partially electrolytic do degrade over time, a hum is normally the first sign that a cap is on the way out. Visually it may show signs of leakage or swelling.I would look first at the power supply section, it’s likely a mai... 
yaqin mc100b upgrades
There are many thoughts about various Chinese amplifier designs, some have a habit of using too many resistors or people feel the best option in some cases is to remove some resistors altogether, or replace certain resistors with small capacitors.... 
Blackburn Micro Tech Tubes no longer?
It's a shame with the Valve Amp firmly back in fashion world wide & many companys making them as fast as they can, that aforward thinking buyer did not jump in with some cash or maybe the Government could have helped out. However this is Engla...