
Responses from drewan77

Is DEQX a game changer?
No, bypass does not need any measurements - don't set a calibration or filters for this profile. 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Yes those confidence levels should be fine. Only 3dB between L & R main speakers means your mic was fractionally off centre so look at the impulse response of both in one viewer window, zoom in and take the mid point timing as the reading. (It... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
"Thanks, If the QOL is placed before the DEQX Premate would I need to run the measurements again?"No, the DEQX processor measures the effect of the speakers/cabling/amps downstream & the QOL is going to address source material upstream. This h... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
The logic behind my response is that DEQX corrects the speakers (+ Amps) & room whereas the QOL appears to deal with phase anomalies on the source recording. Adding this component between the Premate & amps will upset the measured relation... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Does anyone think if there is a breakin time for the unit? I am using it as a Preamp so I assume like most things audio 200 hours of use time seems to be about right.Ozzy, I see from your earlier post that you purchased a 'used' Premate so I wou... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Ozzy, if it isn’t on your CD, you can also download your mic file by going to the DEQX website:From the bar across the top of the page, choose: Owners, then upgrades from the dropdown box, scroll down to Dayton mic files & Dayton all Microphon... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Good to hear that you are joining the DEQX ’club’ Ozzy. When I originally purchased an HDP-3, I used it in the same way as your forthcoming PreMate - in that case using Shahinian Obelisks (including their passive crossovers) with a Miller & Kr... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Yes Jeff, DEQX inspired me to build my own speakers.I had always been impressed with Open Baffle designs because of the lack of cabinet colouration and great transient speed so I set about building various prototypes several years ago, using my or... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
"Roscoeiii: drewan77, Sorry if I missed it, but have you tried DEQX digital out --> external DAC --> preamp (if volume control is needed)? If so, how did that compare to the setup you are currently using ( external DAC =>A/D =>D/A =>... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I see that my recent post may have confused a few people so I will attempt to clarify.Most of my listening is with vinyl rather than digital and I prefer a very natural analogue sound whereas (to me) a lot of digitally reproduced music has a sligh... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I am using an external DAC which processes CD and FLAC files via the balanced analogue inputs on the HDP-5. The DEQX DAC is excellent but my preference is for something which is almost indistinguishable from other analogue sources - without any se... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Output volume levels from the DEQX can be set higher or lower on any or all of the four configs so you can adjust accordingly. If 2 channel is your priority then in my experience nothing comes close to DEQX, especially if you are able to conduct i... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Hi JeffAlthough I do not use my HDP-5 & HDP-3 processors in a home theatre setup, you have the facility to use one of the four (remote control selectable) config setups as a bypass. If the Main Filter is set to "Bypass correction or crossover ... 
subwoofer crossover- lowest is best almost always?
I used subwoofers for many years but could never completely eradicate occasional room node or crossover aberrations. As also noted by wolf_garcia, different recordings also contain quite wide variances in bass levels which can be extremely annoyin... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Since I last posted on here I have added an HDP-5 processor/preamp and as Almarg mentions, this has a low noise switch mode power supply. My HDP-3 uses a linear supply and both sound equally transparent with no top end glare that I can detect. Mos...