
Responses from drewan77

DEQX Beginner seeking advice
Thanks Denis, you're welcome & glad you're enjoying your system.(I guess I must be telepathetic (!) or something as I rarely look into this site but just glanced at it within 30 mins of you posting! 
DEQX Beginner seeking advice
Hi MikeIn addition to Als' excellent advice, I can help you with point 3), it's actually quite easy if you are methodical...A) Take a room measurement from the listening chair. B) Then use the 'viewer' to display this & go full screen - it wil... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
User observations about 'transparency' always seem to generate controversy on internet audio forums. People who have not listened to a DEQX corrected system often assert that absolute transparency is not possible with the amount of digital correct... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Good progress Al. As you mention, over the coming days when you start to evaluate by listening, I recommend you play familiar music, preferably with a fair amount going on in the bass frequencies. It's at this point that you may choose to vary the... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Yes Al your interpretations are correct. It's also worth pointing out that my graphs are the 'sum' of tweeter and midrange readings taken concurrently for each speaker so I could produce comparative graphs to your own (I am using six channels of a... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
A word of explanation when viewing the plots I have posted and comparing with those of either Bruce or Al who use manufacturer optimised speakers:These are Open Baffle speakers for only midrange & treble frequencies. The outdoor measurements a... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Bruce - I believe that Al's measurements are of full range speakers and the amp & cabling running to the speaker in the photos (+ the descriptions in the plots themselves) seem to confirm this. I don't see separate step response graphs for twe... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I have linked here to the same measurements for my speakers (midrange-treble only) for comparison. These were taken outdoors and you can see a similar reflection from the mic (or maybe the grass surface), starting at 26ms. Almarg, from your measur... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
It's not possible to answer that question Ptss, I'm afraid because there are too many variables involved, not least the impact the room has on the sound and your ability to optimise that. However speaking personally, I am confident from the experi... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Bombaywalla - Without re-reading my earliest posts, I believe I may have mentioned my reaction from the very first time I played the DEQX corrected system. I swore out loud - it was that good compared to what I was familiar with. That was from the... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I'm sorry to say that I don't quite agree with that last sentiment Bombaywalla. Unless someone has heard this themselves, they may not understand how good the resulting sound can be from a good indoor measurement and the majority of people will be... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I can only report my own experience and with music playing, it sounds totally believable from the outdoor measurements. Using the same settings from calibration to configuration with the best indoor readings I could achieve, music and especially m... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
I have posted a couple of screenshots under 'System' at the foot of my posts for anyone with a DEQX processor to compare the plotsThe measurement shows how 'clean' the frequency plot may look relative to an indoor reading that others may have take... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
A very interesting summary Al and I sympathise with the challenges you face At the risk of repeating myself (apologies), are you absolutely sure that there is no chance of taking an outdoor speaker measurement? I originally made several attempts t... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Hi Swampwalker, I have sent you a PM with my email address