
Responses from dwest1023

James Brown
James brown star time is probably the best greatest hits with good audio quality. I even have some hi res brown, and its not as good as the star time set. 
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com
If it has not been suggested, check out NHT speakers at Amazon. I’ve tried different brands but always come back to the NHT. They just sound right after all the frustrating of trying others. 
How do SVS subwoofers compare to REL?
I recently purchased the new bowers and Wilkins DB3D sub. it is one of the most musical sub I have ever heard. It is fast and iron fisted tight.( 2 opposed 8” woofer with a 1K amp. It is absolutely seamless with my speakers. I know it wont get muc... 
Bookshelf speakers that sound good on a SHELF or SIDEBOARD
My room is the same as yours. I am using a Pass labs integrated mated to NHT c-1. These are very small and sealed. I am also using a Bowers and Wilkins DB3D sub. Speakers are mounted on the wall and my room is treated. I can tell you that there ar... 
Bookshelf speakers that sound good on a SHELF or SIDEBOARD
My room is the same as yours. I am using a Pass labs integrated mated to NHT c-1. These are very small and sealed. I am also using a Bowers and Wilkins DB3D sub. Speakers are mounted on the wall and my room is treated. I can tell you that there ar... 
Kimber Silver Streak for a warm system
I have used Silver Steak for many years. It is definitely a little zingy up top. As always, its best to try a pair in your system. Silver streak is an easy sale if it does not work out for you. Hopefully you don't have any leaness in your system a... 
What's the greatest bargain in DAC's these days?
I would look at the Schitt Dacs, hard to beat for the money. Upgradeable and non sampling if that matters. 
Afraid to buy new speakers
I am a caregiver for my 90 year old mom. I sold my home to move back into the home I grew up in. In my former home, I had a krell setup with NHT 3.3's that were bi amped. Needless to say I had a hell of system! Now I have a modified Jolida amp wit...