
Responses from ezragreen

Toslink/optical cable recommendations
I should have said not"too long for your application".  They can be quite long, 36 feet or more was not uncommon. 
Toslink/optical cable recommendations
Hi guys, I am a retired sbc tech who often ran in fiber optic cables all of which were glass. Due to crowding on racks they often got bent around all over the place but seldom had a failure which wouldbe indicated by errors in multiplexing equipme... 
Catch 22 in turntable setup
every cartridge will be slightly different heighth. set the grado initially parallel (90) degrees to the record, regardless of heighth. Then if you want to try lowering the back of the cartridge a little to increase bass or change the balance expe... 
A Suggestion for MF x-10v3 tube buffer users
I am using the buffer in a different way. I have a 47 labs shigaraki dac & of course it has no active output or digitalfilter on the dac chip but simply uses a resister network.I wandered if the mf buffer would help prevent the dac frombeing l... 
My spades are too small for speaker posts
if your speaker cables are not too pricey. take a roundfile to the the spades and gently file each spade whilewatching tv until they just slip over binding posts. geta cheap $5.00 caliper and measure the binding post diameterto know what your shoo... 
Has anyone used cerafine caps for amp power supply
I think before blk gates were discontinued they were 80-85%but due to bg being unavailable the % is creeping up! Seriously I put cerafines in my dynaco mkIIIs & the noiseflr dropped dramatically and probably distortion was reducedperhaps they ... 
Power Cords Snake Oil ??
my 1st experience w/pc's was when a friend brought over amit pc w/the blk bx. We were listening to "strange fruit"on a cassandra wilson cd. The cut opens with a "match striking" sort of in audio slow motion. With the stock cordyou could not readil...