
Responses from fmpnd

Music and politics
How and the hell did you last few posters devolve into thinking we want censorship? Unbelievable how off base some of you get. Last I checked, the government wasn't telling me what CDs to buy, who to listen to or who's concerts to attend. Serves m... 
Music and politics
Tvad, I respect your opinion and usually agree with most of what you have posted here on Agon. I STAUNCHLY defend our First Amendment rights, no problem with that. But the issue I see here is difference between artists playing their ususal reperto... 
Music and politics
I am no politcially correct person, but I agree with both sides a bit. I took a relative to a Barbara Streisand concert in 1994 (before she was way over the top politically - or so I thought) at a price of $300 a ticket. Then, in the middle of the... 
Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
1D-e means that it is the "E" version with a diamond tweeter. I had the Exquisite Reference with the dimaond tweeter in a 14' x 18' x 8' room and it was fine since the room was heavily treated. I ran them with Lamm M1.2 Refs. Tenor 300 Hybrids and... 
Any Young Audiophiles Out There?
Hey everyone, don't believe Nicksgem10s for a minute. He's actually 54 but just ACTS like he in his 30s. His system is an old Sony Walkman (yes, the cassette type) with stock headphones and he listens to the Cowsils, the Partridge Family and old D... 
Wilson Sophia 2's on Marantz Reference
Thank God someone finally settled this purely objective debate. I can now sleep better knowing that Butter Pecan is clearly better than Rocky Road.Due to this revelation, I called my buddy who just purchased the Sophia IIs (for his second system o... 
Predicting the AGon economy?
I am glad I saw this post. I thought I was the only one who thought many of the recent sellers were a bit . . . well. . . "optimistic" (to be politically correct) or more likely down right outta touch with reality (if not). I've even seen a number... 
Christmas Jazz Anybody?
Chcek these out: 
AC/DC Black ice
Shadorne, my wife is from Texas and has some horror stories about black ice. Sadly though, it's not strictly a Southern phenomenon as we in the North have to deal with not only icy overpasses on freeways but that old dreaded "freezing rain" which ... 
AC/DC Black ice
Damn, I am not a real R&R kinda guy so I got all excited from the subject line of this thread thinking that this was some super duper, pixie dust, turbo-charged, flexible alternative new power conditioner! 
My brother dips a toe back into rock music
GREAT post,I EMPHATICALLY suggest the following three artists for new music:1. Chris Jones "Roadhouses and Automobiles" (FABULOUS and fits the bill for what your brother is looking for)2. Alexi Murdoch "Time Without Consequence"3. Judith Owen "Los... 
rockport altair any informed opinions?
Trust me, it is worth every mile of a 5-6 hour drive and, at least for my preferences, one of the few ultra high end mega-buck speakers actualy worth the price of admission. Even if you don't end up likng them (unlikely IMHO if you love music), yo... 
Legal & Ethical Questions in the PC Audio Age
Tomcy6,Personally, while I do agree that compassion and concern for your fellow man are worthy and admirable goals, your apparent condescension that us "supremely ethical people" are somehow hypocritical or unethical because we are buying stereo g... 
Legal & Ethical Questions in the PC Audio Age
Kijanki,LOL!! Can you send me a kosher ham? '-) On second thought - send it along with a few hundred CD-Rs of your favorite CDs!!!!! On your second post, it is not the READING of the copyrighted work that is illegal, it is the unauthorized COPYING... 
Legal & Ethical Questions in the PC Audio Age
John,I am definitely NOT an unadulterated optimist or idealist. However, if I choose to act ethically that doesn't mean I am an idealist. I work as in-house counsel having left private practice because I saw SO much unethical behavior. But if I th...