
Responses from gary_c

recommendation for speaker wire to soften the highs if possible
Although your problem could be related to speakers, room, or source equipment (I don't think it's the Monster cables), my recommendation to your original question is Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables, and used Cardas Golden Cross interconnect. Th... 
Speaker Jumpers
OP, another thing to consider is to borrow a bi-wire set of cables from your local Cardas dealer, if possible, and try that before deciding whether to use a high-quality jumper cable or go to bi-wiring. 
Speaker Jumpers
If you like your current Cardas speaker cables and they're not bi-wire, I recommend trying Cardas stranded (not solid) jumper cables instead of going straight to bi-wire. My personal experience is that stock brass jumper plates, or solid rods or p... 
Have you ever downgraded deliberately?
I have deliberately downgraded my system, and it wasn't long before I found myself not listening to music as much as I used to; not happy with SQ and lack of PRaT. I now have the same brand of integrated amp and speakers as I did before the downgr... 
Downsizing Speakers in Main Listening Room - Your Feedback on Some options
ProAc Response D Two is worth considering, if you’re able to audition.Natural sound, excellent imaging and soundstaging (somewhat holographic), and convincingly resolving. Can sound somewhat forward, perhaps dynamic, but in a way that the music co... 
Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?
I would stay with an ARC CD player if that's what you're familiar with and have enjoyed so much. Since the OP didn't mention a preference for digital playback other than a redbook CD player, I wouldn't recommend an outboard DAC. I personally prefe... 
After nearly 20 years, I left Magnepan and went ProAc
Thanks for the update. I'll be interested in your results of height adjustment, as well as rake angle. My eyes and ears are at the same height as the tweeter on my D38's (by chance, not planned), but I haven't played with rake angle.There are many... 
After nearly 20 years, I left Magnepan and went ProAc
Audiolover718, do you live in the Portland, Oregon area by chance? I've owned the Studio 140 mkII and Response D28 in the past, and now using D38. I have a VERY similar room size and is a bonus room above the garage, but has 8ft straight ceiling. ... 
Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
I forgot to mention that for any future speaker and amp purchases, you should try to have everything in your system be of the same league of performance. There is no need for some of the more expensive separates or integrated amps listed in your o... 
Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
Hi Ken,If you currently don't have the room for floorstanders, then I wouldn't outlay the funds for options 2-5, except for a moderately priced integrated at this time.I agree with others that you should ideally nail down your speaker selection be... 
ProAc comparison
I’ve owned the Studio 140 mk II, Response D28, and Response D38; and I’ve listened to the Response D1 and D2 at a local dealer.The D2 is my favorite standmount speaker of any brand, and I would use the D1 in a room too small for D2. I haven’t comp... 
Speakers for Rock - up to 1kusd
Klipsch is the first word that comes to mind for rock music.  I owned the Quartet for many years, powered by different AV receivers.  They sound like what is now considered their vintage line, sounding like the speakers my friends had years ago (C...