
Responses from hadfieldling

Linn Ikemi vs. Arcam FMJ CD33
Ikemi and Arcam Fmj23 they are not in same price level. I didn't audition Fmj23, I auditioned Linn Genki it was less clarity and airy than Ikemi, I'd love ikemi sound but its price is high. I look for other option than ikemi. What's your opinion f... 
Linn Aktiv cards for tri-amp LK140/Ninaka
Thanks Bunker, I got the third mid/bass aktiv card. With tri-amp The music is superb and wonderfull. I never imagine the bass is so much deep extended than bi-amp. Highly recommanded, upgrade your linn system to tri-amp. 
Linn Aktiv cards for tri-amp LK140/Ninaka
Thanks you guys your valuable advice. Lugnut, My confusion regards the aktiv card used for the amp connecting to mid-range and bass speaker. I wonder tri-amp active in Ninka it doesn't mean in real 3 ways unit seperately driving when the tri-amp a... 
Amps for Linn Ninka Spreaker
Thank you Flightmight, I met the Linn dealer last week and opined as yours. I am going with Bi-amps 140 
Amps for Linn Ninka Spreaker
Tim, thanks for your web information. What's the performance of LK140 to drive bas/mid?Hadfield 
Linn Ninka;Tri amp LK85s or bi-amp LK85+LK140 ???
Griswold, I wonder even tri amps with active 3 LK85s whether LK85 is capable to handle the bass. Should it replace with LK140. Also Ninkas is a two way speaker, the bass and mid drivers are in parallel. Is it significant to improve by tri-amp inst...