
Responses from hermanvis

Measuring speakers.
The equipment and knowledge to measure speakers accurately in a room and then to use the knowledge are quite a big deal.The equations for where to put your speakers for best bass balance semm to work very well, why not just use them?One of my favo... 
capacitance with a 100VA transformer
You need to be aware of something called the diode conduction angle. The larger the capacitor the less time the rectifier diodes actually conduct. Remember the diodes only conduct when the voltage on one side is higher than the other, the diodes c... 
cable dielectric cause of artificial sound
A couple of points:Annealed cables are often annealed in an oxygen free atmosphere (dry nitrogen) specifically to prevent surface oxidation. Many oxidants are semiconductors and may even exhibit diode like effects(remember selenium plate rectifier... 
Why does my system sound better??
I used to leave my pretty good system on all the time because it always sounded better after an 1 hour or so of warm up.After some years had passed the system seemed less pleasing I did all kinds of tests and just shut it off one day in frustratio...