
Responses from hifipf

Used audiophile preamp
I owned both ET5 and ET7 and in my opinion ET7 is a improvement over the ET5. In many ways there is no comparison. Improved clarity, dynamics, staging, imaging, and noise floor. Top end extension on ET7 really shines and is sweet. ET7 series 2 has... 
VAC Phi 300.1a Single Channel Ground Loop Hum
I have Aviors and used WATT Puppies for years. No tube amps likes to drive 4 to 2 ohm dips? I have used many tube amps over the years. While tube Amps are not as tight or dynamic on the bottom end as solid state, I still prefer them. The trade off... 
Harbeth Love and your experiences
Have multiple systems, and one of them is Harbeth based. I had the SHL5 and sold them for the plus version. Improvement in bass alone was worth the change. The over all performance was tighter and better integration of drivers,and bit more extende... 
Help! Best amp for Rockport Aviors?
I just got a pair of of Aviors.  I laughed at hot treble post. Just to get up and running I threw a crappy integrated on the Aviors. Put all my past speakers to shame( I have owned dozens if not more!). My intent is not to take them all the way. I... 
The one component that you wish you had not bought
The KR 842 tube based amplifier. Stuck with it to this day. No support from KR when the transformer blew,so I'm got stuck with a worthless amp. I keep in the attic as a reminder to never buy anything from them again! Average sound at best and garb... 
Harbeth SHL5 vs SHL5 PLUS
Image size is tough for me to comment on because of my set up.The plus is a bit better focused as a result of its improved extension and overall improved clarity.The height is improved, as a result the cymbals hang higher and pin point a tad bette... 
Harbeth SHL5 vs SHL5 PLUS
I have had both plus and original SHL5.All things being equal the difference I hear are as follows: 1) top end a bit more extended and clearer. Enough so that older model is more forgiving. 2) midrange a bit less fuzzy and a bit more snap. 3) bass... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Magnepan 20.7 and its priced right! 
Having guarantee issues with KR Audio?
Shady bunch is being kind. Stay away and you will be the wiser for it. 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
Room is 20 by 20 with a vaulted ceiling starting at 8 and ending at 12(all foot measurements). Dave, thanks for your input. I had the Wilson Grand Slamm mk2 before my Trios. Not my cup of tea, they lasted 3 months and were sold.I am confused as to... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
I will stick with tubes. Hi Seirra will be shipping the Divas to me in May. I will move out the Avantgarde Trios and start a new adventure. I have not had a panel scince my Sound Lab A1 and A2 days. Too many problems made me sell and go to the hor... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
I have a defy 7 mk3. Is there a chance I would get good results using this amp only? I really do not want to mess around with biamping. I do not own a Dax.If not, are there any tube amps with reasonable output tube numbers that would drive these s... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
Can anyone help in choosing an amplifier? I have used horns and tubes for many years. I have little knowledge when it comes to solid state amps. I am having a pair of Divas restored with all new drivers. Being a tube lover I am concerned about the...