
Responses from hockeyd52

Musical Concepts Chameleon Preamp
To date, I find the 12B4 board the most consistent with respect to soundstage development. In particular, the board is quite neutral to my ear and it lacks an earmark personality, a trait I consider important. I feel I'm hearing a more neutral hon... 
Musical Concepts Chameleon Preamp
Although I do not yet own one of these fine preamps, I am fortunately invited to John's shop on a regular basis to witness the evolution of the Chameleon. Any number of other fine front ends have been on hand for comparison over time and the Chame... 
Personal amp evolution
1) Crown D1502) Hitachi MA 7500 (early Mosfet)3) Michaelson Austin TVA-1 (sadly died may years ago)4) Yamaha MX8005) Adcom GFA-535II6) Rotel 960BXCurrent - Threshold Stasis 3 breathed on by John Hillig of Musical Design, Rotel 980BX stock. 
Best amp for NHT Classic 3
I'm not sure about the best amp as various system variables affect your results. I do agree with several folks here that you need a high current amp with the 3's. I use either a Threshold Stasis 3 breathed on by John Hillig of Musical Design or a ... 
Vintage Amps - Pleasantly surprised
I had a Sansui AU-7900 integrated that I should never have sold. The somewhat later Yamaha M/MX series amps and companion C/CX preamps from the 80's are respectable also. Be aware, components from that era will benefit greatly from re-capping, a r...