

Discussions illusion has started

Just heard Glenn is leaving Aesthetix18537
Which is the better player Cary 306/200 or 303/300505110
Genesis Digital Lens Latest Version122317
Will it work? B&K Ref 50 and Channel Island D-20016641
Any Experience With JM Lab SW900 Subwoofer24991
Which Pioneer dvd player uses stable platter?22203
McCormack HT-1 Deluxe 3 Channel Amplifier19872
Stan Warren Amplifier Mods55356
Forsell Transport Repair13531
Opinions on TARA ON BOARD digital cable10551
Where can I purchase Tara cables discounted15102
Altis Centauri Transport?573910
Best AES EBU dig cable for DCS Percell and Delius31427
BAT VK50SE Preamp w/ DCS Purcell and Delius Match30808
Perpetual Tech Dac vs DCS or Wadia Dacs514413