
Responses from jeffp13

Has any heard the new McIntosh MA8900 integrated?
I'm using an Aurender server and plugging it straight into the Mac USB port.  Speakers are Harbeth Monitor 30.1s.  Speaker cables are probably 10 feet each.  I don't think it's an issue with cables because the same cables were used with both ampli... 
Has any heard the new McIntosh MA8900 integrated?
Ive had it for a few weeks now.  I've been hoping for a miraculous change in sound quality, but I don't see that happening.  It makes me sad to listen to music now.  an expensive lesson indeed.  I'm giving it a month before I put it up for sale an... 
Has any heard the new McIntosh MA8900 integrated?
Follow up note:I bought the MA8900 and after a week, I'm not impressed.  I wish I kept my Hegel H360.  The Mac looks amazing, but the sound quality is disappointing.  It seems to gloss over a lot of the detail in my favorite recordings, and it mak... 
McIntosh MA 7900 impressions/experience?
I recently purchased the MA8900 which is essentially the MA7900 with an upgradable DAC.  In short, I'm disappointed.  I had a Hegel H360 before this, and to me the Hegel is head and shoulders the better sounding amp.  To my ears, the Mac sounds li...