

Responses from jeffreyfranz

Review: Pass Labs X-1 Preamplifier
Hello, Lanny old friend. It sounds like you have been drinking a lot of really fine coffee. Whew! But as far as the preamp goes, I could not agree more. It is, so far, the best preamp I have ever used in my own home. It certainly does not have the... 
VMPS RM 30 or RM 40-VS- Von Schweikert VR4 Series?
Lanny:Thanks for the recent emails. It was good talking to you again. Here is my bias Re: your posted question: Don't be silly--just get a pair of Quad 988s or 989s and listen to beautiful music.Take care,Jeffrey 
Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5
Chalitr:Yes, I have had several Aleph amps:Aleph 5, Aleph 2 monos, and now Pass/Volksamp Aleph 60 mono amps. The Aleph 60 is essentially an Aleph 2 (100 watts) ,scaled down to 60 watts and with a revised and hand-matched input board. I and the peo... 
Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5
As the previous poster said, many people have raved about the Aleph P with the Aleph amps. I have owned this, and also have had long-term in-home auditions of the X-1 and the X2.5. The X-1, I thought, was phenomenal in every way. The X2.5 was very... 
Red Rose : quality drain?
Companies that ask carriage-trade prices have no business importing and re-badging productsmade off shore. Would Pass Labs do that? To me, it's insulting.Jeffrey 
Ayre CX-7- Better balanced or RCA?
I have not heard the Ayre player, but I would say "Yes, always" run balanced if you can. In my system with Pass Aleph mono amps, Quad 989 speakers and Muse Model 10 digital player, I hear the difference. Same results in the past with other equipme... 
Great Vintage Amps-which one for you?
No, sorry, I have not heard it. But I have a sentimental fondness for Luxman stuff from the old days, if it is still the same company. They put out some really outstanding tube products.JT 
Muse model 9 sig CD player how good?
Hi:I have owned both the Model 11 (very briefly) and the Model 10, now a permanent fixture in my system. The Model 10 is much better. Depth and width of soundstage are enormous, clarity is superb, and retrieval of detail with my Pass Aleph amps an... 
If you have Dynaco MKIII's which speakers ?
Hi:I have two pairs of Mk. IIIs, one pair I have had for over 20 years. They are fun to listen to and never die. Quad ESL 63s sound good with Dynas, and I have even driven Acoustats with them way back when. Otherwise, look for a nice clean box wit... 
Is there a better sub than the Aerial SW12?
I use a stereo pair of Vandersteen 2Wqs. They use a downward firing, slot loaded set-up in a sealed cabinet, crossed over at 80 Hz. They are very reasonable--you can easily get two for the price (or less) of one these supersubs. The design avoids ... 
Sony SCD-1 audiocom mod vs. Wadia 861 anybody?
Kublakahn:I know how you feel--what digital product should I invest in? How will things work out in the industry? Do I need SACD? Can combination players do the trick? etc.I finally decided to get over it with SACD. I bought a Mude Model 10, which... 
Best used dac under $2000
Pass Labs or one of the Muse models. Both companies have good ears, solid engineering and great customer support. There is old wisdom that politics should be left out of friendships and relationships with co-workers. Can we leave it out of our aud... 
Great Vintage Amps-which one for you?
Some of the old Luxman tuners were really cool, and their tube preamps.JT 
Great Vintage Amps-which one for you?
Dyna Mk. III mono tube amps with vinyl and a good tube preamp from the 70s-80s like Bruce Moore's Audible Illusions "Dual Mono". That's for me,JT 
Pass Labs X-600's vs. XA-160's
I must politely disagree with Percon. I have been using Pass gear in my home music systems for about the last 8 years. I have had both Aleph and X-series amps and preamps. Currently, I use the X1 preamp into Pass/Volksamp Aleph 60 mono amps (consi...