

Responses from jeffreyfranz

Preamp Deal of the Century
This is, by far, the most enjoyable thread I have found. The easygoing, friendly atmosphere in the back-and-forth interactions is such a refreshing change from the obsessive-compulsive, teeth-nashing intensity that characteriazes so much of high-e... 
Pass Labs ALEPH 5 vs ALEPH 2
At the time, I was living in an area where temperatures easily exceeded 100 degrees. I was driving Quad electrostatics on a very hot day and sitting far back in a large room. I was playing very loud and very dynamic jazz that had been recorded liv... 
Pass Labs ALEPH 5 vs ALEPH 2
Hi:I am a dedicated Pass lover and have had several amps, including both the Aleph 5 and Aleph 2. Let's clear away some misconceptions.1. The Aleph 5 has 60 watts, not 100, and a smaller power supply.2. The Aleph 2 has 100 watts per chassis, with ... 
OK folks, what the best pre for under 10,000?
The Supratek Syrah (sp?). I have not heard this, but it seems many people are very high on this handmade, all tube unit made in Australia. It comes with or without high-gain phono and has optional Remote volume and balanced outs. It is very pretty... 
Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??
I have had 989s for slightly over two years and ever had a single problem. However, it took three pairs to get a perfect set. I think Quad is past this now. At this point, I would be surprised if reliability is an issue. Also, my third pair came s... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
Albert Porter please contact me. See my postings above, "I have narrowed" and "989 vs. M2." I would like to benefit from your long experience with Soundlabs and must commit to one of thes two soon. I would love to chat with you, and you may call m... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
Quad 989 vs. Soundlab Millennium 2? Would appreciate any comments, experience or insights reflecting on the sonic tradeoffs of these two. I am about to take the plunge and have narrowed it down to these. Thank you, Jfteuber@earthlink.net or Tel &a... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
I have narrpwed my choices to these two but live in a rural area and have limited audition opportunities. I would appreciate comments on trdae-offs and sonic comparisons. Thanks, Jeffrey jfteuber@earthlink.net or 805 434 9220 Tel & Fax in Cali... 
best inerconnect $300 to $400
Silver Audio without question. I A-B'd against Nordost Red Dawn and it wasn't close. Extraordinary clarity, neutrality and dynamics (especially micro), great customer support, friendly. I use Hyacinth model in 3-meter balanced. JT 
Tell me about it! Everything about cartridge handling gives me the willies. Considering the exorbitant prices of today's analog components and the system complexity required, I finally gave up and went all digital. Good luck, JT