
Responses from jegotcher

Your First Concert was.....
Senior prom...The Standells. Back in 1967 groups would play for proms if the price was right. They played for us all night long! 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I've owned McIntosh SRT22's since the 90'sand still remain pleased with them. the woofers and midrange speakers had to be refurbished last year and they continue to sound great! 
VPI HW 16,5 vs. Okki Nokki
Ive used the Okki Nokki as my first record cleaner. The motor froze during the first year and was quickly replaced by Audioquest. I don't think that this is a common problem with this unit. Replacement unit works fine! 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Linda Ronstadt--Trouble Again. Listen for "The Note" as she sings "I was blind" holding "blind" for about nine seconds. Amazing! 
Best rock song of all times
Louie, Louie by the Kingsmen or the Sonics. The song that launched a million garage bands. 
Best lines in a song
"Hello Mr. Soul I dropped by to pick up a reason" Neil Young/Buffalo Springfield"Those jobs are goin' boys, and they ain't comin' back" Bruce Springsteen" 'Cuse me while I kiss the sky" Jimi Hendrix 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
"Since I Fell for You" by Lennie Welch, in 1963.