
Responses from jgiacalo

How long for cartridge break-in?
Audiofeil,Thanks for your response.For suspension I have some aluminum disk levellers - basically a disk insert for the stock footer that balances onto a point that restsd onto another disk with a Herbies black dot underneath; all sitting on a 2" ... 
Quality, Affordable, Preamps?
Consider a Rogue 99 preamp especially the Magnum version. 
Best Used CD Player Under $500?
Thanks for the reminder Rooski. Aside from being a tad light in the bass, the Playstation 1 - the one with the RCA outs - smoked my Rega Jupiter 2000. Picked it up used for $35. at a game store. Although it is kinda funky using the controller to p... 
Cable Elevators - What do you use?
Tpreaves. More accurately, I noticed a difference. I didn't notice any 'problem' before the tweak. After using the string tweak I noticed slightly higher SPL level at the same volume-dial setting. So, I interperted that as something masking the wi... 
Best Used CD Player Under $500?
Used Rega Planet 2000. Even better, a used Rega Jupiter 2000 may now be within that price limit 
Cable Elevators - What do you use?
Based on a suggestion from the DakiOM site I experimented with suspending all of my cables - AC, interconnect and speaker - from the rack with cheap cotton string using small sections of foam water pipe insulation to keep cables from touching each... 
anyone gotten a scratch on component and gone mad
For future reference, try to scratch the component at a 90 degree angle to current flow for minimal RF amd EM interference and impact on sound. 
Mcintosh C-2300 first impressions
I agree with all the above observations and suggestions. It needs to break in and will take most of your demo time to do so. I have the C2200 and it improved significantly once broken, had the stock power cord replaced with something better, used ... 
Steam Cleaning Damage
I agree with ghosthouse, I thing 1/2" is waaay to close; seems too likely to cause damage. I usually do 4-6" and get excellent cleaning. 
Cable confusion and questions.
I've had years of listening experience with the Kimber 8TC and found it to be a fine cable. However, I quickly sold them once I heard the JPS Labs Ultraconductor which goes for the same price used. The JPS sounded more open, detailed and the highs... 
Speaker Bass
I had exactly the same situation as you describe and tried various spikes, V-pads, platforms, etc. What I finally settled on were Herbies decoupling disks which fit between your spikes and the carpet to efffectively isolate the speaker from the fl... 
What next, after finalising components ?
At this point the XLO Reference disk for positioning your speakers will maximize your system's potential. You can it get on Amazon.com.I've been tweaking my setup for years and this disk helped me refine positioning easily and quickly yielding imp... 
Using an herbal vaporizer around hi-fi equipment
Dude! 'Herbal vaporizer' That's a good one.Very popular with the medical maryjane community. 
VR-4jr spike upgrade
I've been tweaking my VR4JR for years and the solution I've come to meet your goals is as follows.First, replace the small spikes between the upper and lower modules with Herbies Dots - he has a kit designed especially for the VR4JRs; it will brin... 
Need advice about hi-end amp/pre-amp
A used Rega Mira 3 would be a great match for the rest of your equipment.