
Responses from jitterbug

Benchmark AHB2 power amp impressions?
I had a chance to audition the AHB2 in my own system and later on also received the DAC2 to complete the audition (thanks to the local dealer for making this happen).  However this was maybe 9 months ago so please take into account that my observa... 
Skylan speakers stands-how much sand?
Hi OneinthepipeI own a pair of Skylan 24D, which is their 2 pillar 24inch stands. I havent noticed any muting of highs after I filled the pillars with sand. In fact the bass tightened and the highs are very smooth. My speakers are Green Mountain A... 
Need Help Combating Power Amp hum
Hi ChasmoI had a somewhat similar problem. This sometimes happens when the AC power line is not 100% grounded tho that wasnt my issue. When the AC is not 100% grounded, your speakers will probably pick up the 50/60hz AC frequency which you are hea... 
lack of interest
Hi SaygrrI have had a similar experience with some analog interconnects and 2 digital ICs (Van Den Hul and QED) that I put up for sale two months or so ago. Got pretty much no response for these products except from one member who took forever to ... 
Best Inexpensive DAC
Assuming "inexpensive" means approx $500, a used Bel Canto 1.1 or a MSB (with 24/96 upsampler card installed) could be worth investigating. I use a Bel Canto 1.1 and am quite satisfied at the price:performance ratioCheers 
Musical Fidelity A3 vs A3.2 Integrated?
HiI have recently heard the A3.2 amp driving a pair of ProAc D15 speakers. I must say that the amp did a fantastic job both in terms of grunt/ woofer handling and also in terms of finer handling of delicate passages. this amp is also well reviewed... 
Best transport for USD500
Thanks for the insight. I will check with Arcam but thus far my experience with Arcam tech support is that are not quite responsive - they havent answered my earlier requests for weeks!Cheers 
Best transport for USD500
Thanks Seandtaylor99. The thought often crosses my mind. Maybe its just a "bug" to experiment with 2 boxes. Like you many have extolled the virtues of their 2 box set ups and I am keen to try in my limited budget :) I believe the BC does reclock a... 
Best transport for USD500
Thks everyone for the inputs. Unfortunately, the brands some of you mentioned are esoteric and difficult to come by in my part of the world. I will look around to see where I can check out the Parasound. Anyone have the company's website URL?Cheers 
Shanling CD S-100 vs: Music Hall CD25
I have been doing some scouting and also seem to think that its the same CDP made by the same factory in China. Actually, if one was to import it from China direct, it may be still cheaper.Do you by any chance find the CD S-100 to be a bit laid back? 
Optimum length for Toslink digital cable?
Hi GuysI have been reading a lot of the chat on AGon, esp relating to DACs in general. I am in exactly the same position as Sutts as I am about to receive a used Bel Canto DAC 1.1 and have an old Sony CDP with only a Toslink digital out. What is t...