

Responses from jmeyers

Best HT speaker system
I can only speak from experience, having had systems that were first B&W, next Dunlavy and now Revel Ultima. My current system consists of the Revel Studios (as the main left-right speakers), the Voice (as the center speaker), the Embraces (fo... 
Revel Salon/Studio Owners What setup do you use?
Besides my Studios, I also have the Voice w/ aluminum pedestal, two Embraces, and two B-15s. Driving them are a Krell 200C and a Krell KAV-250a/3. My source components include the Proceed PAV/PDSD combo preamp/decoder (which is old, and I am waiti... 
What amps do you use with your Revel Salons/Studio
I use a Krell 200C and am most pleased. Perhaps another amp might prove superior, but I and my friends find its sound remarkable. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I will make this brief! After owning two excellent speaker systems previously--Acoustat 2+2S and Dunlavy SC-IV, I bought the Revel Studio. For me, at least, the Studios are the ones, period. Perhaps I am fortunate having the combination of electro... 
Will new power cords by my answer?
Yes,in part, but I suggest that you also consider replacing the Monster power conditioner with another unit that is less constrictive. 
Subwoofer ratings by Widescreen Review mag
Since the time of the Widescreen Review articles, there have been some significant improvements in subwoofer technology implemented by a number of speaker manufacturers, the most noteworthy of which is parametric equalization. Companies like Vande... 
Synergistic cable match for Krell + B&W Nautilus
I suggest that you try one of the better Tara Labs or Transparent Audio cables. 
Help with new speakers
Before purchasing any speaker, please try to listen to the Revel M-20s. For $1,000 each, they are quite a bargin--and they leave you with money left over to purchase a subwoofer, like the Revel B-15 which mates extremely well with them. 
Monster Cable Kicks Butt?
With due respect to many of the other respondees, I have found that Monster Cable cables fall short of their advertised claims. Last year, I had my own shoot-out of 8' biwired speaker cables (Krell 200c amplifier to Dunlavy SC-IVs), and both my wi... 
Equi=Tech Balanced Power vs. ?
As I continue to browse forums and sites to find out about still more line conditioners, I ran across one manufactured by SMART Theater Systems of Norcross, GA called the GC-120. The engineering looks good, the claims relatively free of hyperbole,... 
What's your profession? Age?
55, investment banker who works with high tech companies. My passion, other than for my wife, is for consumer electronics! 
Krell vs Levinson vs Pass vs Rowland
Obviously, your ultimate decision has to factor in the speakers this amp will be driving and the cables employed between amp and speakers. I have had the opportunity to compare both driving B&W Nautilus 802s, and it was no contest--the Mark Le...