
Responses from joefama

Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers
Threshold SA/4e is one of the greatest ever pure class A amps. 
Mordaunt Short speakers . Tri-wire vs Single wire
Thank you both for your help. 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
AudioFeil. I am Not Wrong.Read my forum. I said they were about to release the XA-.5 series for Pass Labs. When asked about the XA-160 monos about a price Peter told me it would be about $5K per amp for the upgrade "per amplifier".I said ouch ! Li... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Yes. I talked with Peter at Pass Labs today. The XA series is about to release .5 series. So if any XA series owners I would start dumping before you take a major financial hit.To add a .5 on your XA-160 mono block amps will cost you about $5000 p... 
help identify IC's
Sounds like an early Cardas XLR cable. The early Cardas cables use to have silent terminators printed on the shrink.Just stay away from any so called "Gold" interconnects. They produce the worse sound as Jade cables does. Very bright, thinned out,... 
what are some of the best amplifiers
Brucefrederick, Moron for short.Actually I live with my grandparents in the attic and do double shifts at White Castle while listening to my Sanyo 8-track player. Divorced 7 times because find a woman to love my setup up in the attic.Joe 
what are some of the best amplifiers
Forte better than Threshold. OK I have a bridge here to sell you.You talk to Nelson Pass about that one.So a Forte Model 4a is going to outperform a Threshold SA/4e. Or Forte model 7 mono blocks are going to sound better than Threshold SA/1's or S... 
Loud Snapping when turning amp ON and OFF
No Bi0drain,Power amplifier is always "Last to turn on" and "first to turn off". Reason because of the power amp having the most electricity current.Chime in if you agree or disagree.Joe 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Audphile1,I couldn't not of said it more perfect than you did:" I would like a conditioner/protection for this amp without sacrificing sonics".That's the answer I am trying to find. All I know Monster, PS Audio and Shunyata have all crapped out on... 
Buzz/hum from amps, NOT from speakers
When did the Hum/Buzz first start ? What piece of equipment did you hear it first? 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Big amps meaning tons of amp pull & current. The type of solid state power amp when turned on it makes your lights dim in the room. 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Tvad.The Shunyata Hydra crapped out sonically. It works fine other than on my Big Amps.If you can read my previous reply on this forum I did say that "my question was answered". But I also wanted to know of other's suggestions with use of line con... 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Tvad, Seriously the Hydra did crap out on my power amp. I tried it last night with my power amps. Each power amp was plugged in seperate times into the Hydra and took away my dynamics, depth , and soundstage. Sonically the Hydra diminished my soun... 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Tvad- No puzzling situation here. Just a little sarcasm on your end. Just wanted to get a feel on other's suggestion on using Big SS power amps with a line conditioner.Thank you Teajay. Great to see another Vintage Threshold & PASS owner. Very... 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Tvad, I have not. This is more general mr shunyata. By the way the Shunyata Hydra crapped out when used with my amplifier. So will be donating the Hydra to the needy.Joe