
Responses from jplenhart

Electrical and Grounding Needs
Thank you for all the great input! I will go over this with the electrician:-) 
Electrical and Grounding Needs
Hi Stehno,I am finishing my entire basement, so the sub-panel is needed:) Do you know what would be involved in getting an electrician to make the audio circuits on their own ground? Would this be a tedious expensive task on the electricians part?... 
Confused about 7.1 Formats
Hi I guess I am a bit confused about using 7.1 format pre/pro. If I have a 7.1 pre/pro but a 5.1 speaker setup, will this work - in other words does 7.1 mean it can do 7.1 and down?Thanks,jplenhart 
Home Theater Component Placement Ideas
I am now leaning toward getting two long cables (it will be much trouble to not go this route:-) -- I was thinking I will coil up in a figure eight the short one. I saw that someone posted that this was the correct way to coil it up -- any ideas i... 
B&W CDM 9 / ML Aeons
Thanks for all the input -- I guess the bottom line is that I need to audition a little more -- I have been doing Jazz audtions only, I think it is time to audition some movies as well.Tinman - I will take a look at the 801's:-)Thanks again! 
Martin Logan Aeon Good for HomeTheater?
Kthomas -- you are right about the wife, I think she is starting to get a bit perturb at me hanging out in the study cruising this site:-) 
Martin Logan Aeon Good for HomeTheater?
WOW! Thanks Craig -- I will definitely look into Audioquest here in audiogon. Out of curiosity do you think I could pick up a Martin Logan Theater here in audiogon or are they pretty much a rare sight?Thanks againJason