
Responses from jwells

Dynaudio Evidence Temptation?
Mike, off topic, but how do you feel your reimyo compares to the linn cd-12?Thanks so much,Jason 
Merlin owners,any thoughts.......
Usblues, please click on the "system" button by my screen name for a full listing of my system. Let me know if you ahve any other questions. 
Merlin speaker /Amplifier combinations?
I highly recommend Belles series of solid state amps w/ my merlins...very nice.Jason 
Merlin owners,any thoughts.......
I own the VSM-MMs, and I noticed breakin inprovements out to around 200 hours with perhaps a majority of the breaking in around 100. In short, I would say that YES the improvement is dramatic. Bass deepened, highs extended, soundstage deepened, an... 
Merlin Owner's...
I bet black chrome would be incredible... Not glossy yellow, mind you, but incredilbe nonetheless ;-)Why not removing the analog crossovers and making the speakers digital to remove their inherent "problems" as well...j/k 
Meitner DCC2
Steve, I have the Merlin VSM-MMs; what other ancilliary gear (amps/pre digital/vinyl) are you currently using or used before the Meitner? The merlins are incredible. How is the soundstage w/ the meitner. I know the resolution is incredible; I've h... 
Joule Electra VZN100 with Merlin VSM-MX.
I'm sorry for being contentious as well. 
Merlin Owner's...
They were just yellow. W/ the drivers and especially w/ the black covers the have the black/yellow bee look.One day, bobby, one day...you'll be putting together yet another pair of yellow speakers...J 
Merlin Owner's...
I almost always listen with my eyes closed and/or with the lights off. Even looking at my speakers, I'd swear they weren't playing. I have a hard time believing that even a flashing neon vsm wouldn't disappear even with my eyes open:-) 
Merlin Owner's...
Tabl, with sunglasses of course... I wish I hadn't found that picture again. A pair of yellow vsm-mxs would look killer in here. Med school can't end fast enough... 
Meitner vs Esoteric X-01 vs Reimyo
I'd be interested myself in hearing anyone who's heard the Reimyo CDP as well. Might want to add the Linn CD-12 to the list too... 
Merlin Owner's...
Tabl, I thought that's where I'd seen it! I looked, and sure enough, there it is. http://www.sigsound.com/POTM_Pages/potm02_04.htmWow, I sure like that color more than I remember...One day whenever I buy me a pair of VSM-MXs, or whatever will the ... 
Merlin Owner's...
I've seen a picture of a pair of ferarri yellow tsms somewhere. Having a pair of speakers to match my corvette would be cool, wouldn't it? I'm a sucker for yellow.That being said, I'd have to vote for the black ice blue...those are just awesome. 
Audio Aero Prima DAC
I had an interesting sensation in my ears/head whenever I first got my Audiomeca Enkianthus XD dac (uses the same chipset as the AA Prima Dac) especially whenever I had it out of phase. The sensation only occurred at the start of a listening sessi... 
Revel Salons in an enclosure?
You may also want to try out the Joseph audio inwall speakers. At the most recent CES, Jeff Joseph had a demo where he said his top of the line speakers were playing only to reveal they weren't even hooked up; it was the inwalls playing. They seem...