
Responses from keshiri

Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Great write ups prof. I’ve attended TAVES annually since it began and I must say that some of my fave rooms did have JA and Thiel in them. A few years ago a dealer from Montreal brought in Devore mated with Shindo tube amps, which sounded pleasant... 
Preamps w/HT BYPASS that works when preamp is OFF.
Lector Zoe. Single ended tube pre, does ht bypass when off. Interestingly, it bypasses all input signals when off! May come in handy if source had volume control... I leave mine off because 1960's Amperex 6922s dont come cheap! 
Zappa plays Zappa
I love FZ's first album (1966), "FREAK OUT"!All the other albums you guys mentioned are also amazing.For the ones who are curious and unfamiliar to his music, "Strictly Commercial" and "Strictly Genteel" are great starting points. Then you can hun... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
Wow Mitch I'm glad your Amperexes are working great because I ended up checking for some last week (tube rolling's enticing) and got a decent deal at Ebay for a pair of NOS US Jan white label Amperex 7308 (from 1966). Can't wait 'till they arrive.... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
After some more testing, I've found the Siemens ECC81 (12AT7) lacked some bass punch with most jazz & rock, and compressed at normal to higher volume levels. As you'd suggested, it may be due to lack of gain with 12AT7 in the ZOE. I put back t... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
Mitch2, I've read those old RCA 12AT7 blackplates are also very good. With the ZOE, are you finding that you're turning the volume dial to around 3 o'clock for reasonably loud volume levels, as I'm finding with my 12AT7s? I rarely had to turn it p... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp? has some premium (and expensive) 6922's in stock which you might want to check out. My Siemens 12AT7 has opened up nicely and is more fluid now as it's breaking in. I think I'll give tube purchases a break now as I can see myself ... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
The manual doesn't say anything about phase inversion, and I don't have testing equipment to be 100% sure, but the Audiogon fellow I bought it from actually tests and writes technical papers for Soundstage magazine, so I'm taking his word for it. ... 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
I have a Zoe, and have acquired the following tubes thus far:Sovtek 6H30piNOS Mullard 12AU7NOS Siemens 12AT7 (early '60's)NOS Sylvania 6BK7BThe Sovtek was warm, smooth and too weighty, and lacked some focus, detail, and dimensionality. I wouldn't ... 
What hybrid power amp?
Thanks Pard for your recommendations. I've checked out Blue Circle BC24 & 28. I don't think the 24 comes with Balanced inputs, and the 28 looks great but is hard to find used. A pube pre matched with ss power amp is a great idea, but my intent...