
Responses from kj1000

Perpetual vs EVS millenium II for CAL
I have personally compared the EVS Millenium II tothe Perpetual DAC and quite honestly there is nocomparison. The inner detailing and lack of grainis amazing. Go for it! 
Amp for Sonus Faber GP?
I have your speakers! They are awesome. I went through hell and back trying over 10 amps/integrated. The very best and final winner is the YBA DT Integre'. This is awesome! No a headbanger amp but plenty to run the tough load of the Sonus. Try to ... 
Best CD for $1000
Mark, I would highly recommend the Audio Refinement Complete CD Player. It is the low end of YBA but very impressive!! I am selling mine on Audiogon for the low price of $570.00 Look no further. Check out the reviews on it on Audioreview.com 
Advice for integrated amps
The Krell is a joke. I would reccommend the Audio Refinement Complete Integrated. Unless you have inefficient speakers then use the Plinius. The good thing about Krell is it is very easy to sell! 
Help! Need tube preamp to finish system.
Check out Bruce Moore Companion. It is a rare tube line stage but sound as good as the CAT signature at $2k retail!