
Responses from koetsu13

Looking for the best Preamp with a phono circuit built in
Please read my write-up on preamp shoot out.  Although it has a couple of dedicated phono sections, I do compare an AI mod 3b, CAT SL-1 and Doge 8 all of which I owned for quite awhile.  And once again, a BIG impact is synergy, starting with your ... 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
Always interesting when someone tries to claim “best”.  I agree with a number of the previous comments, especially that it is all about system synergy.  Pass Labs build quality and customer service are legendary. I have recently auditioned a large... 
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?
Hi-Take a look at the Doge 8.  Full tube analog output stage like the Lampi but signnificantly lower price.  In fact, compared it at a friends house to his $15k Lampizator.  The Lampizator sounded more organic, but the Doge 7 (with NOS tubes) was ... 
Might try a tube preamp
Hi Rshad40-Though not focused on digital, you might want to check the forum discussion “pre-amp shootout” for some of my impressions.  The Doge 8 Clarity line stage with NOS tubes is a great price performer that is right at home with my high-end c... 
Audible Illusions modulus 3A, what would be the next level of up grade?
Hi-I posted a review about a number of (phono) preamps recently that included a stint with a mod 3b (also had a mod 3a).  See my: Preamp Shootout thread in the forum.As an update to my piece - I am now listening to the following: Benz LP-S, Coinci... 
Pre-Amp Shootout
All-thanks for your kind words.  Tomic601- funny you should say that. As we speak I'm listening to a pair of Coincident Dragon mkii monoblocks- pretty impressive.  Also, I will be including a newly acquired Aesthetix Phono IO Signature in the writ... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
I like to listen to a lot of different components in my system and can't underscore enough system synergy. That said, my biases lean heavily to the tube side of things and vinyl- keep that in mind when reading my comments. I recently ran an intere... 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
Hi -Everything is so system dependent but please read my preamp shootout.  After 40 years of listening and a lot of gear passing through my system I would strongly recommend going the used route for either a CAT SL-1 (either an ultimate, which I p... 
VPI Scout Set up
I have a VPI TNT jr. with a JMW 12.6 arm in my main system and a VPI Scout - first with the 9" and now with a 10" JMW memorial tonearm in my second system. Snap to set-up.  No issues at all with the unipivot arms.  I ran it with a koetsu rosewood ... 
Tube Preamp W/Phono Stage Suggestions...
I've got an in-depth write-up coming on this very subject:6) audible illusions M3B- the Voshkod 6h23n's make it overly harsh5) coincident statement phono stage- not enough gain by itself w/o a line stage4) and 3) tie 1993 CAT SL-1 with Amperex 692... 
Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's
one thing I forgot to mention regarding phono stages (and system synergy) is that almost all of the preamps I have heard require either an external or have an internal SUT to get the most out of a low output moving coil cartridge.  So, (in my bias... 
Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's
I have found that over the years system synergy has a huge impact on your sound.  Make sure to take a holistic approach to your system, not just a "that's the best component". Unfortunately, only by a lot of work can you start to dial-in the syner...