
Responses from lensman

Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous
I own Elac 208A's and use the Aqueous Praesto speaker cables and they pair very, very well. They're perhaps a warmer side of neutral that the Elac's mate well with. They're very smooth sounding making vocal's very nice to listen to. ANd reveal a d... 
Red Wine Audio Isabella Synergy
I had the 70.2 mono's SLA version and the Isabella. They pair well for sure. But I ended up splurging on a pair of LFD PAD 3 mono blocks ($7500 retail) because they were just better. Not by miles but definitely an improvement into that high end au... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
I'm a proud owner of a pair of 208A and I love them. I've moved up the Elac line from the 203.2 bookshelf to the 207.2 then to these and have enjoyed having all pairs of them. The 208A's ofcourse bested the others in it's relaxed, effortless prese... 
Copland DRC205 digital room correction
I can also say whole-heartedly: put a Virtual Dynamics power cable on it to get some great energy from it and use it on A1 (flat). Using Acoustic Zen Matrix II IC's and they're excellent! 
Copland DRC205 digital room correction
I've owned the DRC 205 now for several months. I do think it is quite an incredible piece of audio tech. It won me over inside the dealer's shop when he switched a Bryston BCD-1 on a Macintosh amp to a pair of 3A speakers. What went from a small, ... 
I just don't get PC Audio
If you can try the Apple Airport Express. I have one and it's really pretty amazing for being so cheap. About $130 it recieves WiFi signal sent from your computer. I have a Mac and it connects automatically but you can use it with a PC. I went fro... 
Has Anyone heard the new CEC 3300r?
Definitely a best buy in it's price point. I had one that I traded up for from a Cambridge Audio 640C. Much better high end resolution yet natural without being too forward or aggressive. WAY better soundstaging and accuracy. Cambridge had a bette... 
Tough choice for a new setup, please look
The CEC TL51XR is in a different ball park soundwise compared to the other players mentioned. The CEC delivers a very analogue, relaxed tonality that belies the standard 'hyper detail' CD sound you might find on traditional players. While the Camb... 
Amp for Anthem pre 2L
I use an Odyssey Audio Stratos w/ cap upgrade. Fantastic synergy! Incredibly musical and neutral with excellent imaging. Belies the price point. Especially if you buy used. 
Signal Cable -- High End Generic?
Ditto on the Element Twisted Pair. I just recieved my pair and I'm stunned at how transparent, detailed, and smoothly musical these are. They replaced a Bryston coax cable, which sounded analytical and hard compared. I also have a VHaudio Pulsar I...