

Responses from libbyandjan

What speaker cable for Mcintosh + B&W combo???
Hello againThanks for the email. There is nothing wrong with the Heimdal. The Heimdal is a very nice cable indeed. For the price, it is extremely great value and I believe it will be a good match for the B&W you have. The Heimdal is not as goo... 
re-terminate nordost cables...anyone?
Hello Go4VinylYou can email Jeff Wells at Nordost. Jeff is a fantastic guy who will be able to help you with retermination. My understanding is that Nordost policy is that they will never cut any cable in half and reterminate. They will however, c... 
What speaker cable for Mcintosh + B&W combo???
HelloI use to have the 803 B&W with Transparent Ultra and Reference. This was a nice combo, but it got a bit bloated at times or a bit chesty with the voices. I then sold and got onto Valhalla. This was a big change for the better. The Valhall...