
Responses from lloydelee21

Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Hi Sirspeedy, have read and respect your posts from before. Very helpful. Between your post and Downunder's plus lots of listening and reading, I've refined my thinking for my SF Strads. I am a tube guy and love my CJ MV60's EL34s for midrange pal... 
Wavac SET tube amps with different output tube
Hi Schorly.Read the new hifi+ review on Berning Quadature Z mono amps. 275 watts into 4ohm load. Franco Serblin of SF used Berning ZHZ20 70watt amp in his studio on Strads during the Jan 05 Stereophile review. The Quad Z is his new reference. Yike... 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Hi Downunder,I have heard others say the Pass bridges the gap btwn solid and tube. I have heard the same of the CJ Premier 350...read Martin Collom's review on the net. Wow...until the Premier 350, the Krell 700cxi was one of his fav SS amps. He s... 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Thanks JohnK! Will look into it! 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Wow...Thanks Sirspeedy. Sounds pretty incredible. I will say the Zanden 5000S captured me, after only 5 minutes. I had struggled to do the DCS Elgar Plus 3x before ultimately deciding it was not for me in spite of how great it was. I will look int... 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Hi. I will be auditioning the Berning Quad Z monos! Will update. 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Thanks for the further posts! I read a review in this month's issue of HiFi+ about the new David Berning Quadature Z 200w OTL tube monos. They went crazy in the review, saying it was hands down the best amp they had ever heard, effectively redefin... 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Thanks Downunder,Yes, i agree. Earlier SF's and modern SF's (other than Homage series) mated well with good SS like Krell. But the Guarneris, Amatis and Strads seem imho to mate much better with Tubes. I auditioned the Strad with ARC CD7, ARC Ref ... 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Thanks for the further responses and advice! Mechans - that is consistent with i am starting to learn about tubes and amps in general. Yes, there is something about watts, but it is both current and voltage which matter. (e.g., there are some grea... 
Wavac SET tube amps with different output tube
Sounds good...will let you know! 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
...oh and Cary & Wolcott of course! Thanks, Audiograils and Unsound. 
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?
Wow! Thanks for the quick responses! Appreciate the advice. Have also received from direct emails from fellow A'goners looking to help...thanks to you as well. I have been invited to audition Wavac MD805s. I will try to find place that carries VTL... 
Wavac SET tube amps with different output tube
Hi Schorly! Great to see you this weekend. I am loving my CJ Act 2! On your recommendation, I did a search on Wavac, and your post came up! By coincidence, there is someone locally here who has a pair of 805's. I am going to try to listen and will... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
I have spent time listening to guarneris with Pathos Integrated and with CJ tubes. Both sound great. I agree with Pgulrich regarding subs...i have heard the guarneris specifically with Velodyne DD18 and CJ pre and amp (mv60). Sounds magnificent im...