

Responses from macez101

New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
This Total contact is amazing! I didn’t know how how far a tube would go , so I bought way too many! I think I have six extra kits! If you know anyone who needs one or two, I’m selling them at a discount. I used it on power cords, speaker cables a... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
If your confused, a journey & macez101 are both me, it just depends on which devise i am using to write on the forum!Thanks Frank, I will be trying the Omega E matts as you suggested. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
First, let me say, I did not get the Total Contact for free nor did I get paId for writing how amazed I was by the dramatic changes I experienced in my system! The only way I even heard about the TC was because a friend of mine is a reviewer and h... 
Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?
durkinI joined a Facebook group called tube rolling and have just started playing around with different tubes and have found a vast difference.i also made an investment in something called Total Contact by a company called Perfect Parh Tecnologies... 
Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?
It’s a common  phenomenon that certain times of the day there is a greater demand from the power grid and early morning and late evenings there are sonic differences because there is generally less demand. So during peak demands we find the age ol... 
tube amp for veena loudspeakers
The Audio Valves are a great choice if you like jazz clasical, and vocals but not heavy metal. I think BAT's are a lot harder sounding AMP and in my opinion not as open nor as transparent. I have several pairs