
Responses from mach2music

Thoughts about the new MacMini & Lion OS
Drubin, Yes, we are all set on the 2011 Mach2 Server. The new Mac Mini is a very good upgrade. I maintain our website so updates can be done quickly. It comes in handy with Apples variable release dates. ;-) We've been looking at Lion. You see how... 
Thoughts about the new MacMini & Lion OS
Well, we got 3 Mach2 Music Servers setup today. The 2011 does sound better that the 2010, and OSX 10.6.8 will run fine on the 2011 Mini's.We have 2 on battery power right now, and on running standard. We have found no issues so far.Darrellwww.mach... 
Thoughts about the new MacMini & Lion OS
Drubin, It seems to be fine. I have our Mach2 Music Server (OSX 10.6.8) running on the 2011 Mac Mini. So far, all scripts and players run fine. We have more testing to do, but initial impression is all is good. Before folks ask, no I haven't been ... 
Thoughts about the new MacMini & Lion OS
Ghasley, Actually, we are in a good spot. We know we can make the 2011 Mac Mini sound great, just as we have with the 2010 model. What is unclear is that weather that will be done with Lion or Snow Leopard, in the long haul. The OS is simply an en... 
Thoughts about the new MacMini & Lion OS
Ghasley, Mach2 has had the Lion development package since Day 1. So far we are happier with the sound of Snow Leopard. The fact that we want to take a couple more months to make the best build possible doesn't mean we haven't been working already.... 
Experience with Mach2 Music Server?
Ozzy, The short answer is yes, assumming the 1 TB drive is either USB or Firewire, and you ripped to a popular music format. The Mach2 will work with USB or Firewire drives. We recommend that you keep the drive and DAC on seperate interfaces (1 on... 
Mac sound quality
The Mac is a terrific Music Server platform and there are lots of mods you can do to make them better. Your iMac should beat the heck out of mid-fi CD players.We work with the MacMini's, and they sound fantastic. Many of the same mods can be made ...