

Responses from macnet427

Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
I used to like Rotel and owned a RMB-1095 5 channel amp for 8 years.  Thought it sounded great until I heard what a good amp sounded like.  Bryston.  I dumped my Rotel 5 channel amp and 2 Parasound amps and replaced the Rotel with a 9B-SST THX.  T... 
An all Parasound system - Good idea?
You have to really like Parasound to go with an all Parasound system.  I owned an A51 and A23 and did 7.1 HT and was in heaven for 8 years. Along came 4K and I bought a new preamp and a Bryston 2.5BSST2 to run the fronts.  Long story short, after ...