
Responses from metalphoenix

"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"
Another comment: I went and heard the high-end MartinLogans yesterday ("Montis") - along with some of the lower-end models. I have to say, I was highly impressed with the higher-end ones. I tend to value dimensionality highest in audio - for examp... 
"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"
Hey guys, this has been great - thanks for the recommendations. Gives me fun research and reading time. This is not exactly within the spirit of the question I asked, but does anyone have an opinion about the MBL 126s? I've found MBL in my researc... 
"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"
Thanks, guys. My room is about 20'x20' - and right now I have a great JBL Synthesis system that's circa 2000 or so, with their S800 and S5160 amps. I was going to use those amps to begin with, and then upgrade as necessary to optimize for speakers.