
Responses from mustbethemusic

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Started with:Marvin Gaye - What's Going Onnow: Oliver Nelson - The Blues and the Abstract Truth 
Is this the end of HEA?
The "audiophile" designation has absolutely nothing to do with my ability to hear; I gave a friend of mine that designation because he could hear even better than me. Are you saying just because a piece of gear is ARC, or CJ, or Sota, that it’s su... 
Is this the end of HEA?
Orpheus - I understand your reference point. My point is that two buck chuck audio as in two buck chuck wine is fine for some but not necessarily for those who have developed a more refined pallet. The challenge or opportunity is can we set our ow... 
Is this the end of HEA?
I have two responses to the end of HEA conundrum. 1 - Most music listeners, regardless of generation, have never spent a substantial amount of money on audio. There were always a select few who invested in anything beyond a small console stereo or... 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
Wells Audio-relatively inexpensive and top notch sound. Most musical realistic sound I've heard.  
Wells Audio / AVA Synergy / PrimaLuna DiaLouge Premium HP
The innamorata is all it's advertised to be. Most musical I've heard tube or solid state!