
Responses from nchong

Job Integrated Amp.
Would it be correct to say though that the internal DAC may be better than the Metrum? Therefore, digital source => Job would sound better than digital source => Metrum DAC => Job? As such, it may be possible that a better DAC through the... 
Job Integrated Amp.
Jaaptina, the analog input is digitised. It is converted into digital for DSP purposes, then converted into analog again before amplification. Job does not say what the DSP does. The innards of the Job are similar to the Mimesis 7 which is, in tur... 
Job Integrated Amp.
How does it compare to the 225 that you previously owned? Does it sound similar but better or altogether different? 
Job Integrated Amp.
Congratulations, Djverne. You must be the first person I know of that has received a unit. Did you pop open the hood to see if the innards look like that of the Metis 7?Is the faceplate the same grey colour of your previous 225. From the Job FB pa... 
Job Integrated Amp.
That's very good news. After the initial hoopla, it went quiet with no news of anyone having received it. You may be one of the first.Look forward to hearing your initial feedback. 
Audiomeca Ambrosia DAC - any info - pictures.
Try the links below for the pictures. It has been discontinued for a while now. Based on memory, it is a Bitstream based DAC with internal volume control. You might also want to write to Audiomeca for more information on it. The information and pi... 
Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete vs.DCS Elgar+/Purcell
It's a gel manufactured by Aural Sympbonics for use with AT&T glass-fibre links. A form of contact enhancer, if you will. See link: 
Auditioned Innersound gear
The Mk III now has patented composite stators instead of perforated metal, with a lifetime guarantee on the panels. The stators look different as, instead of holes, they have slots (of about 2mm wide). Based on the photos, they look even more tran...