

Responses from nolasooner

What's up with Soundstage Direct?
I have had numerous delays with my orders from SSD, but they always delivered until recently.  I have an undelivered ordered from mid-June.  No records and no refund.  They aren’t answering the phone and aren’t returning emails.  I filed a claim w... 
Golden Ear Triton 1 Amplifier suggestions
I have the Triton 7's paired with Rogue Cronus Magnum II and it's a great match.   Obviously, the 1's are huge step up from the 7's so I would assume the pairing would be fantastic.   
Aggressive know it all salesman
A good salesman listens 75% of the time and talks 25% of the time. I've been in sales for 40+years and one of the hardest things to learn is to listen and more importantly HEAR your customer.   
Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K
The Spatial Audio M4’s have been getting a lot good word of mouth lately.  I have the Goldenear Triton 7's and I am seriously considering replacing them with the M4's.   
Magneplanar .7 speakers. Have you heard or own them??
I am currently listening to the Goldenear Triton 7's powered by a Rogue Cronus Magnum II.  The sound is good, but I keep asking myself if I could be getting more out of the amp with different speakers.  I love the .7s and the guy at my local audio...