

Responses from oblgny

What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"junkyard dogs guarding shotgun shacks,Red door on a green Cadillac..."If that don't paint a pitcher for ya I dunno what will!DOWN TO THE WELL 
Totem Hawk or Model 1?
I currently have a brand new pair of Hawks that I switch out now and then with a pair of Thiel CS3.5 - I know, QUITE different speakers - but what the heck. I auditioned and purchased the Hawks because, having had a pair of Rainmakers a few years ... 
Totem Hawk or Model 1?
I currently have a brand new pair of Hawks that I switch out now and then with a pair of Thiel CS3.5 - I know, QUITE different speakers - but what the heck. I auditioned and purchased the Hawks because, having had a pair of Rainmakers a few years ... 
What Product Did You Overspend On?
A used Adcom GFA 5500 amp. 
Best bourbon?
Actually, it does not have to be from Kentucky to be called Bourbon. It cannot be called "Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky" if made elsewhere - and there are now many bourbons being distilled all over the United States including here in good 'ol N... 
Question about quality of Meadowlark
Hello there 9 years late. I bought a pair of used, mildly cosmetically compromised Kestrels in April 2013 and I just have to say that I would have been happy paying double that for them. They're incredibly musical with bass that is far more realis... 
Have thiel 3.6's. Will mcintosh ma6600 work?
At least Thiel still offers rebuilds, and I'm comforted to know that they'll be in the hands of the mfr. I agree with $600 being somewhat extravagant for the pair, but I suspect they might have been over-driven by the previous owner occasionally s... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
TobbYou're killing me....And I thought I was done chasing the dragon this year...Damn. I know I'm going to check them out now. Looks like everyone's getting socks for Christmas! 
Want to buy Rogue Audio 66LSR
BrentGo to the main page - you'll see a search bar atop. Type in Rogue there and you should find it. 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
At least you didn't buy a car because it had a good CD player in it...Then there's that urban myth about thieves who broke into a car and stole everything but the stereo. Seems they didn't recognize the brand McIntosh. 
This might just be the end of brick and mortar
Whart, I agree with you regarding SE. I've been dealing with Dave and Alan there for the past few years. They're still the most old school store I know of around here. I have a store literally around the corner from where I live which used to be a... 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
The last few years of my life in cars....Mercedes E350, BMW 528i, Caddy CTS, GMC Terrain....At the time I was driving the Merc and BMW my audio gear consisted of various integrated amps and associated equipment. Once I bought the Terrain - the 4 c... 
Personal amp evolution
Holy smokes! 
Tube preamp for Pass Labs x150.5 Amp
I just hooked up an Audio Research LS2 line stage to my X150.5 and I'm completely satisfied. Alas, my Rogue 66 Magnum preamp did not have balanced connections like the AR does, which I never experienced before. Still breaking in my Totem Hawks wit... 
Looking for a Tuner
I have a Magnum Dynalab FT 101 which can be had for the sum you're stating. Same thing, not much good radio to listen to anymire