

Responses from parkie

Turntable Upgrade
I think that a Phono preamp upgrade is a good suggestion.  I would look for a used Graham Slee - Era Gold V Phono Preamplifier.  It’s about $900 new, but has been around for years, so you should be able to find one in your price range.  I used one... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Does anyone have recent experience with the Takatsukis?  I have already had two pairs of the Sophia Royal Princess 300Bs die on me, so I am steering clear of the Elrogs for now.Specifically, I would love to hear how the Takatsukis perform in any A... 
Chord QuteHD DAC Review
Thanks for the thoughtful and well written review. I look forward to reading your thoughts on DSD playback.I have the Audiophillio 1 with Pure Power and have always wondered whether the Off Ramp was better as some have claimed. The Off Ramp is 1k ...