
Responses from petg60

Power cord for digital stuffs?
Heavy gauge on digital will not harm especially if the player/dac is tending to neutral. If tends to euphonic avoid heavy it will sound meshy.SACD/CD players can handle better heavy gauge (14-11AWG) than other source components and preamps... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Hi,be patient with your record player and you will be rewarded. Normally a new player takes some time to get used to, then adjust it properly and there it is. Analogue takes time.It will jump out, you will notice the difference when you are nearly... 
Furutech FP-3TS762 or FP-TCS31
Hi,you may consider Power Evolution II, or if you want to DIY S55N would be a good choice. 3TS20, TCS31 are completely different sounding cables and most probably not suited to a power amp. 3TS20 is open and well suited to preamp, TCS31 better for... 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
1975 - Lenco L80 with SHURE M95HE1980 - Dual CS130, Dual CS5051987-  Mission 775LCT with Nagaoka MP-11 Boron1990 - Mission 775SM with original Mission 774 and AT-OC91993 - Pink Triangle Export GTI, Alphason HR-100S, VDH MC Two2007 - DPS 2, SME V, ... 
ZYX Ultimate with carbon fiber cantilevers -- listener reviews?
Hello,this is my first post on Audiogon and i would like to share my experience with Zyx cartridges.I have owned a Yatra MKII for 10 years, the suspension went off before stylus wear-common, then upgraded to 4D Ultimate SB and i was amazed of how ...