
Responses from rrolack

Crossovers, why so few options?
Does anyone here use an active crossover with a tube preamp? It seems like the input impedance on most active crossovers is pretty low as compared to tube/SS amps; has this been an issue for you in matching the preamp to the crossover? 
Crossovers, why so few options?
I'll mention that even if subs provide bass management, there are some problems with this arrangement. Suppose you have a tube preamp and stereo subs. The input impedance of sub amps is usually pretty low (~10k ohms), and with 2 amps it works out ... 
Crossovers, why so few options?
Don't most stereo preamps not have a built-in crossover?Additionally, outputs from subwoofers usually have a high-pass filter that isn't adjustable; I know that on REL subs, this is as high as 120 Hz for line-level outputs. Most people (I would th... 
Crossovers, why so few options?
Just to clarify, I'm talking about using an external crossover to split the signal between sub/mains. 
Tube preamp for techno and other bass-heavy music?
I'd say my target budget is around $1500, and I definitely want to stay below $2k. For me, part of the experience with this kind of music is being able to feel the music, which you can definitely do with SS equipment even if your system isn't runn... 
Question about external crossover with tube preamp
Interesting Bob, I wasn't aware of that. Is this also true for a non-powered unit, like the Marchand XM46?