
Responses from ryskie

CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
I’m a diehard vinyl fan, with thousands of records. I never really put much effort into CDs. Did appreciate the convenience of them, but didn’t really love the sterilizing.However, when I hooked up my Oppo to my tube system (mac 275, mac 2200, Har... 
Highest BUILD quality tube amps?
I have a McIntosh MC275 now and it is a monster in every way. The only flaw is the lettering on the sides as it always seems to rub off when you lift up the unit. Before that I used a pair of MC30s for nearly 20 years. I bought them used from the ... 
Thinking about upgrading, but wondering about diminishing returns
I’m in a similar gear setup as yours and one thing I’ve done that has vastly improved my enjoyment is getting a Tidal subscription and listening to the MQA titles there: wow. I wasn’t a big believer in MQA but hearing it has changed my mind. One g... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
I’ve had a lot of speakers hooked up to my McIntosh tube system and the best by far are the Harbeths. They really incredible speakers. I think the 30.1 or 40.1 would work well for you.Other than that, I believe the PSB Imagine T3’s are another to ... 
This is juvenile...
PJ Harvey. 
Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.
If you care most about speakers presenting the music closer to what is actually recorded, then the Harbeths are the only choice. I’ve had several model of Klipsch and they all pale in comparison to my SHL5 Plus Harbeths. Not even close. 
SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)
I have a Sota Star Sapphire with an SME V arm. Love the whole thing. The vacuum hold is amazing and the speed is dead on accurate. But the number one selling point for me is the suspension. I can literally hit the shelf it sits on with my fist and... 
Speakers for aging audiophiles - What's with today bass emphasis ?
Don’t abandon the Harbeths. In my experience they are incredible. I have the SHL5+ and they are the most open, have perfect midrange and the bass isn’t emphasized or bloated.I believe any of their bookshelf models would serve you well. 
Blocking the propaganda
I like the audiophile mags, and I like audiophile discussion forums.Without the Absolute Sound, I might never have found Harbeth speakers. Or chosen the AudioQuest Dragonfly as my dac. Each on opposite ends of the price spectrum, but both major pl... 
CDs Vs LPs
I love vinyl, and have thousands of records. I think I prefer records, partly because some of them sound so amazing (the mofi 45rpm series and the Music Matters blue note 45rpms are incredible)That said, in the past few years i’ve really fallen fo... 
Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under
I have a McIntosh tube front end with a Sota Sapphire turntable and found Harbeths to be incredible.I have the SHL5 Plus’s and they’re terrific. 
LP's... Do they sound better now than 30 yrs ago?
Great thread.I have a collection of almost 10,000 records and, honestly, there is no unifying truth to old vs. new. Old Blue Note vinyl played with a mono cartridge sound incredible. Much maligned RCA flexibly-discs often sound incredible, too. Lo...