
Responses from schorly

CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2
Interesting, Jtinn, I have heard Benz Micro Ebo. LP with Kuzma combo,Steelhead,Tenor 75Wi,Wilson W/P and Transparent cables and for my taste it was something I will never forgeth! Music,natural,neutral magic music.Beautiful. I have heard Miyabi 47... 
CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2
Dgad,I will be using Benz Micro Ebony LP mc cart or Koetsu Jade Platinum mc cartridge.I prefer Jade Platinum more because it is more lush and more rich in texture but have good speed,dinamics and transparency. If I can not get pure neutrality from... 
CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2
Yes, Io signature with volume pots is good solution.But I dont see the differece between Steelhead and Aesthetix Io sig. with volume pots which is the same package?! The both are phono stages with line stage (Manley) and another without it. If Ste... 
CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2
Robertje, no I can not try both!Cincy bob, your answer is very helpful.I must said that my decision tilt a little more for Steelhead but I can get CAT preamp for $1000 less.It is tough decission! Thank you. 
CAT JL-2 vs Tenor 75Wi Wp
Thanks Tpsonic.Yes I will think twice if buying me some pair.Have you listen to both amps?Sasa 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Good suggestions from both, since I will not need any active pre.So lets sum up: Kuzma combo with Aesthetix Io phono with volume pots to CAT JL-2Mk2(JL-3Mk2) to WP 6(7) all wired with Transparent Reference MM cables! Something is missing...The car... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Rcprince: I know it is better with active line stage but I can not afford me active preamp right now.I dont have Lamm LP2 Deluxe, but I am searching for phono preamp for Kuzma Stabi Ref. and Airline combo.I have read only the best about Lamm LP2 D... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
What do you mean about that solution:source Kuzma Stabi Reference with Airline tonearm(I dont know which cartridge,yet) to Lamm LP2 Deluxe phono stage and direct to CAT jl-2 Mk2 which drive WP6?Cables Transparent Reference.Which passive preamplifi... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
I will need approxima. 20-foot(5m) interconnnect for my sistem. From your words I sum there will be no problems do it this way.Thank you. 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Thanks Raquel.Bob, the CAT amplifiers dont have balanced inputs?! I am I right?So I suppose you used RCA interconnects between Lamm L2 and JL-1. What would you say- which is the max. lenght for rca-interconnects if I put them between JL-2 and Lamm... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
My room have dimensions 7,8m X 4,2m and is 2,5m high.I heard that CAT power amplifiers drive capability is very good so I suppose it will match my room dimensions with WP6 or 7.One more question: How would be sonicaly if I put CAT jl-2 Mk2 and Lam... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
So what can I say...your answers came very quick. Thank you very much to all.I am first time on this forum.To Mang53: I have friend who have WP5.1 with Tenor 75Wi and Transparent Reference MM cables. For my taste the sound of his sistem is incredi... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I am asking myself if the CAT JL-3 TUBE POWER AMPS will be good match for my Dynaudio Temptations speakers? I have no doubts about quality but I dont know if there is enough power for this very powerfull speakers?! I will buy and forget about powe...