
Responses from spinner1

Using shunyata power cords with a synergistic research powercell 10 UEF
Folffreakfrom what I see and from what I know about your equipment you’ve put together a very revealing but also very musical system, could you tell me your impressions of the atmosphere power cords and also how they stack up to the Galileo power ... 
Using shunyata power cords with a synergistic research powercell 10 UEF
FolkfreakIve seen photo’s of your system so I’d say delightful would be an understatement to how it all sounds, absolutely beautiful setup. Chris 
Using shunyata power cords with a synergistic research powercell 10 UEF
Folkfreak,Thanks for the response and suggestions, I was kind of hoping you’d chime in on this. How do you like the newer AQ power cords. Chris 
Using shunyata power cords with a synergistic research powercell 10 UEF
Hi Gents,im not talking about the 32 amp wall to conditioner cable I’m talking about if anyone has any experience using power cords other than synergistic research power cords from the components to the powercell 10 conditioner and especially Shun... 
Using shunyata power cords with a synergistic research powercell 10 UEF
Just for the record I am using older synergistic cords right now and am trying to get away from using cords with the Mac wall wort and the extra cabling that goes with them and as their is a vast quantity of used Shunyata cables for sale that is w... 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
noromance,No apology necessary, i'm enjoying all the different opinion's and just absorbing all the info.    
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
Thanks everyone, i appreciate the info. i guess ill forget about the sub panel as it seems like there is little to no benefit by adding it since the 3 runs will all be under 50 feet and i'm not going with an Equi=Tech as much as i would love too. 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
I will be running 3 lines all identical in length to avoid ground loop hum, my interest is will there be any difference... negative or positive...from running a sub panel as opposed to just using open spots in the 200 amp panel. the closest and fa... 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
Thanks dill, makes sense as not to add any extra contact points. i had just thought that by adding the sub panel the 3 dedicated lines would be better isolated from the rest of the houses electrical devices. 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
Just curious, why do you say not to use a sub panel. as far as my outlets i'm using Furutech GTX outlets.  
Someone want to verify this?
I purchased a Modwright Instruments 36.5 from him last September, fortunately it sounds great but he wanted extra cash for a NOS Mullard 5AR4 and a couple matched 6H30 tubes that he had for it with hardly any hours on them that he said transformed...