
Responses from talentkeeper

VPI redesigning experiment
Slipknot1. Could you elaborate on the 'footers'? What are they? I have gotten rid of my springs on my vpi hw19 kmIV and am contemplating either sorbathane pucks or wood cones such as perhaps maple. 
VPI redesigning experiment
Tphalieros, thanks for that valuable info. Looks like I could have made a serious mistake. I will now definitely go for the HR-X assembly. Give us a report once you've tested out the Maple plinth. Thanks.Chul 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Thank you Twl. Oh how much I would love to audition cartridges but so far I haven't had anyone willing to let me do that!! All my components were purchased by auditioning them first or with a money back guarantee. Seems like no one wants to do tha... 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Rockinroni. Thanks for your comments. What do you think is required as a minimum in step-up transformers and cables to not degrade the sound of the low output cartridges then? Is there a cost effective product that will allow you to get all the be... 
VPI redesigning experiment
Tphalieros. I would be very interested to hear how your experiment turns out. I have a HW19 mkIV and and am in the process of waiting for HR-X bearings/Platter/clamping systme to be availble as well. I am new to Audiogon and have been noticing the... 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Thank you Psychicanimal. I will strongly consider your advise. Who is TLW? 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Psychicanimal. Thanks for your input. What you say makes sense. From all of the feedback I have received it seams LO have their advantages but require substantial more finess and expense in achieving their potential, whereas the HO may give you ve... 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Psychicanimal. Thanks for your input. I am after the most natural and lifelike sound reproduction that allows you to forget you are listening to components and just enjoy the music. I am not a believer that you have to spend a ton of money to get ... 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses. I am still having a hard time making up my mind. Don't know whether to stick to HO or go LO with step up transformer. Buying cartridges gotta be the most frustration thing. No one will let you auditio...