

Responses from tempest714

new preamp under $750 with remote, solid state...
Thanks for all the replies! This gives me a lot more to think about before committing to something. 
new preamp under $750 with remote, solid state...
I guess I'm hoping to get something new/not used, but that appears to be a pipe dream. Thanks for all the suggestions so far!! 
fiber optic/toslink cable recommendation
Thanks again for this advice as I've just spent two hours with my new Unique Products 12" glass toslink. At the very least, it's made very well, connections are solid and it was inexpensive. Sounds way better than what I was using, but I'm not try... 
I have a pair of the IC-3's and they are certainly well made cables that are a dramatic improvement over what you can get at retail stores. I'm using combinations of these and Van den Hul (bought used). 
Speaker for NAD C320BEE
I'm using a pair of Quad 11L's and really like what I'm hearing (secondary system). 
Violin, Viola,Cello background noise
As a professional violinist, I'll add a couple things. The bow uses hair from the tail of a horse. This hair, especially when new, has microscopic barbs that hold the rosin. Rosining the bow enables the barbs to grab the string and the rest is obv... 
Adding DAC to 5-Disc changer
I just got the MSB Link Dac III. It's a serious upgrade from the Denon 1920 and I expect will improve my Sony changer. I'm with a small version of my setup as I'm working out of town for the next 11 weeks. I hated the sound out of the Denon and ha... 
Use a seperate DAC with a Sony SCD-C2000ES
I'm the person who posted...figuring out the forum. Do you have a suggestion for a good place to get the unit modded?