
Responses from tishomingodrew5911

1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
The Clash, Cure, Velvet Underground, Patti Smith Group, The Who, REM, Sex Pistols, Rolling Stones, Ramones, Elvis(not technically a group, but hey....) The Sex Pistols The Rolling Stones 
Used speakers
Thanks to all for your comments. I've sent the amp and pre-amp for his birthday and will be sending him a tuner and speakers for Christmas. In honor of his 16th birthday I'm listening to Iggy Pop, Beausoleil and Hugh Masekela at high volume. Plus ... 
Used speakers
p.s. I've gotten some used PSB gold i's as you previously recommended. I'm eagerly awaiting their arrival. 
Used speakers
Thanks, Trelja. I would have given him my old Klipsch 4.5's, which have an excellent sensitivity, but a friend of mine who was,shall we say, feeling no pain cranked my new amp to maximum and blew them. Not an easy thing to do with those! 
The best and worst Audiogon poster's
My favorite poster would be Trelja. As a Southern female audio enthusiast (audiophile would be pushing it), his common sensical advice is appreciated by this novice. I find the interplay between Carl and Tm12 a real hoot. Better than watching "Sca... 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
Thanks everyone for your advice. Sounds like the PSB's are the favorite but that any of them would be satisfactory. Or maybe some used KEF 3's...... 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
Thanks for the input. Since my dogs don't object, I can dedicate as much floor area as I need.