
Responses from topnikko

Sony HAP-Z1ES or NAD M51?
Another vote for the M51. My source components are the NAD M50 (which is also incredible), a HD cable box and BD/DVD player. First and foremost, the DAC sounds wonderful. Very organic sounding and lots of detail. I also really like it as a volume ... 
Looking to upgrade amp
Hard to beat the Hegel H300. I've owned some very nice separates that the Hegel will embarrass. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Amphion Krypton 3 
Are Argon 2s worth anything anymore?
I'd hang on to them. Unfortunately, as great as Amphions are, they don't have the name recognition in the US that they do in Europe. So you may take a beating on them. I just sold my Argon 7Ls to move up to the Krypton 3s and it took me 2 months t... 
Hegel H300
Everyone still loving their H300s? I'll be placing an order for one tomorrow. I'm trusting that all the praise here is warranted because I've never even seen one in person. But I do know that Hegel does a lot of their research and development with... 
Best speakers for Hegel h-100 amp
Actually, Hegel does use Amphion speakers in their research and development so it's no surprise that they have great synergy. I own the Argon7L and am looking to purchase a Hegel H300. 
Amphion Argon 3
Mattcone, did you ever buy the Argon 3s? Thoughts? 
Preamp match for Mccormack DNA-125
I just wanted to thank everyone for the great advice given in this thread. In the end I chose the VAC Standard LE and I'm very glad I did. The synergy with my DNA-125 is better than I expected. This combo is just magical. The VAC bettered my highl... 
Melos Audio Restoration going strong...
The positive feedback I'm reading here is in complete contrast to the majority. I have owned my SHA Gold Reference since it was new in 1998 and in that time have spoken to countless Melos owners. Almost anyone who has had the misfortune of having ... 
Melos 333 R or BAT VK5i
If you own Melos gear there is a better place to get your gear repaired and modded. The guys name is Carlo Flores. You can send him an email at His simple web page is here: photentiometer broke... 
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???
Melos! If they had used better parts to go along with their excellent, innovative designs and treated their customers with respect instead of trying to screw them this company could have ruled the audio world. 
Help Melos repair Shop ???
Contact Carlo, he'll fix you up: 
Problems with Svetlana KT88 and Sonic Frontiers
Has anyone tried the Electro-Harmonix KT-88 in the Power 2? If so, what did you find? Here's a review of various tubes and the reviewer prefers the EH KT-88 to the Svetlana KT-88. Different amp but wondering if I would get similar results in the P2. 
What prevents DIY speakers to become the ultimate?
One of the exceptions is the Ellis Audio 1801, a DIY two-way monitor that can compete with the best of 'em.