

Responses from torinf

Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
I can see how you can think that. I'm not a shill. I have no connection to their company in any way.  
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
tuffy,  I doubt you'd be disappointed.  For the money, I can't imagine finding better and honestly, i'm not sure for 10x the price you would have a "better" DAC.  They have really put these DAC chips to good use in this uint.  The quality of the b... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
Hi audiophile friends.I came across this threat and i know it is a bit old.  But thought I'd respond in case anyone is looking for a new DAC.  I bought sight unseen after discussing the feedback with a few others.  My current system is highly reso... 
Pilliod Audio mono amplifiers with Hypex UCD400 HxR
I spent a couple hours going back and forth w my Borbely class A mosfet amps. The hypex is less rich texturally. It's the only way to describe the difference. Not subtle at all.  Despite the high headroom on the UCDs the richness of the wonderful ... 
Pilliod Audio mono amplifiers with Hypex UCD400 HxR
I have the same amps. The UCD 400 HXR with the UCD HG (non switching) power supplies. Running them off an SP10 preamp into Analysis Omegas. They are incredibly powerful, dynamic and resolving. In some respects, they’re the best amps I’ve listened ...