
Responses from tubeguy45

Von Schweikert VR-5SE
"The Best Loudspeakers in the World" ...I couldn't agree more.I own the New Von Schweikert Audio VR-5SE Loudspeaker. TheVR-5SE is the finest loudspeaker at the $30K to $40K price point,selling at $25K in all finishes. The VR-5SE has a soundstage a... 
Good match for Merlin?
Try the PS Audio GCC-250 Control Amps and use the balance BAM. 
Best amp with Dynaudio
I have designed many Stereo and HT systems using DynaudioSpeakers from the Audience, Contour to the Temptations.Do you plan on keeping the CJ Pre-Amp, if so than I would try the following Amps.1-Pass Labs X2502-Bryston 7B..SSTIf you use the Pass L... 
Best used dac under $2000
Hi,The Pass Labs D1 is by far the best DAC ever madeLook for 24/96 version. 
Question for SCD-1 Owners
Hi,You have to check the metal top plate...the rubberstops moved from there position and the top platemakes contact with the case...sounds like something isloose inside.