

Responses from vuckovic

Best Used Phono preamp around $2500
Herron VTPH-2. Simple like that. 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
I agree that good SUT going to MM input is better choice than going directly to MC.. More $$$ though. I use Ypsilon MC 16 L step up, Stealth Dream V10 PC, Stealth Hyperphono and Audioquest Well IC with Herron - it is that good. I tried quite a few... 
Aether Audio Black Box or Nuforce Magic Cube ???
Hi Ozzy,You are doing right thing. It seems that SCSS filter is not for your system - otherwise you should hear very easy a big sonic difference right away. I think that right filter choice depends on amp-speaker interaction. I have electrostatic ... 
Aether Audio Black Box or Nuforce Magic Cube ???
Well, I guess this filter is system dependent. I have the same amp as Ozzy - Pass 350.5 and prefer by large margin SCSS. With no filter I couldn't hear any big sound difference - placing filter I got huge 3D, very extended low frequencies, more dy... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Donnwags:I did not like sound of Flora in the beginning so I changed stock tubes to "Bad boys". Things improved a lot but Flora really start to sing after 250 hours of burn-in. It was bigger improvement in my system than changing tubes. I guess th... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Hi Teajay,Thanks for your kind words. Your approach and taste for Hi-fi is very similar to mine so I followed your advice regarding DACs and I bought AA Dac1-Mk4 last summer. After auditioning more than 10 DACs in my system I am very happy with AA... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Wow! Secret? I received Flora last week and Tosh didn't mention any other caps upgrade except Mundorf. Anyway I'll check it with him again. 
DAC for Olive musica
My Olive Musica should come back soon with Bolder Cable modifications. I'll look for new Exempler DAC ($1699) or new Monarchy M24 DAC to pair it with my TacT 2.2xp... 
Best Used tube Preamp 1700-- 2500: advice needed
Try SF Line 3. It's a killer pre-amp. Call Upscale Audio for price( I just bought one for unbelievable price).